La Filiberta has a true social commitment with the islanders’ heritage and a strong environmental engagement with the sustainable productive development in the wetlands. These are two fundamental axes on which La Filiberta bases its growth.
The environmentally sustainable cattle ranching practices constitute a set of protocols and procedures that are based on the available scientific and traditional knowledge and contribute to the maintenance of the ecological integrity of the ecosystems in the long term.
Environmentally sustainable livestock farming contemplates the maintenance of the hydrological regime of the Delta wetlands, making possible the continuity of traditional activities such as the one of the “nutrieros” (otter hunters), whose resource persists as long as the flood conditions of the marshes are maintained.
“Guidelines for an environmentally sustainable cattle ranching in the Paraná Delta”
Rubén D. Quintana 1,2,3, Roberto F. Bó 3, Elizabeth Astrada 1,2 y Cecilia Reeves 3,4
From the functional point of view, these systems are of fundamental importance in maintaining the integrity of neighboring ecosystems. As an example, regulating floods, retaining and exporting nutrients, accumulating sediments and controlling erosion processes. In addition, they play a key role in the life cycle of many plant and animal species, constituting critical habitats for them.
The Delta del Paraná wetlands is a fundamental ecosystem for human life, not only in the one million seven hundred thousand hectares that it extends from Victoria in Entre Ríos, to the union of the Paraná and Uruguay rivers in the Province of Buenos Aires (forming the Rio de La Plata), but also due to its caring, strengthening and maintenance impact on the banks of the great rivers in the provinces of Santa Fe, Buenos Aires and the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.
Environmentally it is important for the contributions it makes, generating specific and unique conditions for the development of both plant and animal species, for its ability to mitigate floods and, especially, as the most significant fresh water reservoir in Argentina.
In this habitat, there are the best conditions for the breeding of buffalos.
That is why we can say that the buffalo beef produced in this Argentinean wetland is the best buffalo beef meat in the world.
Wetlands are among the most productive and ecologically important ecosystems on earth, as well as providing a wide variety of ecosystem goods and services that are fundamental to society. For this reason, throughout the history of mankind, wetlands have been sites of great attraction, where important cultures flourished due to the supply of water and numerous basic natural resources.
At the same time, wetlands are influenced to a large extent by human activities, both because populations settle there as well as being areas dedicated to productive activities (such as agriculture, livestock farming and forestry) and for providing basic natural resources of vegetable and animal origin (food, fodder, firewood, medicinal products, materials for construction and for clothes, among others).